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Table structure:

  1. url - URL
  2. title - Text
  3. publication_date - Date
  4. authors - List of String, delimiter: ,
  5. source - String
  6. description_cs - Text
  7. description_en - Text
  8. lang - List of Text, delimiter: (allowed values: cs · en · de · fr · es · sk · pl · ru)
  9. category - List of Text, delimiter: ,
  10. page - List of Page, delimiter: #
  11. last_revision - Date

This table has 345 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Stránka url title publication date authors source description cs description en lang category page last revision
Arctic Exploration: Franklin Search Expedition, McClintock, 1857-1859 (rmg.co.uk) (editovat)


Collection: Arctic Exploration: Franklin Search Expedition, McClintock, 1857-1859 National Maritime Museum Předměty z Franklinovy expedice nalezené McClintockovou výpravou a nacházející se ve sbírkách britského Národního námořního muzea v Greenwichi. Relics from the Franklin expedition found by the McClintock expedition and located in the collections of the British National Maritime Museum in Greenwich. en collections McClintockova výprava (1857-59) 2023-07-16
Data:“A romance based on information”: The curious case of Clements Markham’s Franklin Expedition novel (editovat)


“A romance based on information”: The curious case of Clements Markham’s Franklin Expedition novel 2024-06-04 Allegra Rosenberg Polar Record , Volume 60 , 2024 , e14 Historie málo známého rukopisu novely o Jamesu Fitzjamesovi, jejímž autorem je sir Clements Markham. The history of a little-known manuscript of novel about James Fitzjames by Sir Clements Markham. en journal article James Fitzjames Clements Markham 2024-07-02
Data:(book download) 1853 A Short Narrative of the Second Voyage of the Prince Albert, in Search of Sir John Franklin (stáhnout z archive.org) (editovat)


Stáhnout z archive.org en book download Kniha:A Short Narrative of the Second Voyage of the Prince Albert, in Search of Sir John Franklin (1853) 2024-04-29
Data:(book info) 2009 Lost! (Goodreads) (editovat)


Goodreads en book info Kniha:Lost! (2009) 2024-07-11
Data:(book info) 2009 Lost! (Google Books) (editovat)


Google Books en book info Kniha:Lost! (2009) 2024-07-11
Data:(book info) 2009 Lost! (LibraryThing) (editovat)


LibraryThing en book info Kniha:Lost! (2009) 2024-07-11
Data:(book info) 2009 Lost! (WorldCat) (editovat)


WorldCat en book info Kniha:Lost! (2009) 2024-07-11
Data:(book info) 2010 The Man Who Ate His Boots (Google Books) (editovat)


Google Books en book info Kniha:The Man Who Ate His Boots (2010) 2024-07-07
Data:(book info) 2010 The Man Who Ate His Boots (Penguin Random House) (editovat)


Stránka knihy na webu vydavatelství en book info Kniha:The Man Who Ate His Boots (2010) 2024-07-07
Data:(book info) 2011 Searching for Franklin and the North-West Passage (Google Books) (editovat)


Google Books en book info Kniha:Searching for Franklin and the North-West Passage (2011) 2024-07-07
Data:(book info) 2012 Loss and Cultural Remains in Performance (Google Books) (editovat)


Google Books en book info Kniha:Loss and Cultural Remains in Performance (2012) 2024-07-07
Data:(book info) 2012 Loss and Cultural Remains in Performance (springer.com) (editovat)


Stránka knihy na webu vydavatelství en book info Kniha:Loss and Cultural Remains in Performance (2012) 2024-07-07
Data:(book info) 2013 The Ambitions of Jane Franklin (allenandunwin.com) (editovat)


Stránka knihy na webu vydavatelství en book info Kniha:The Ambitions of Jane Franklin (2013) 2024-07-07
Data:(book info) 2013 The Ambitions of Jane Franklin (Google Books) (editovat)


Google Books en book info Kniha:The Ambitions of Jane Franklin (2013) 2024-07-07
Data:(book info) 2015 Franklin's Lost Ship (Google Books) (editovat)


Google Books en book info Kniha:Franklin's Lost Ship (2015) 2024-07-07
Data:(book info) 2016 Finding Franklin (Google Books) (editovat)


Google Books en book info Kniha:Finding Franklin (2016) 2024-06-09
Data:(book info) 2016 Writing Arctic Disaster (cambridge.org) (editovat)


Stránka knihy na webu vydavatelství en book info Kniha:Writing Arctic Disaster (2016) 2024-07-07
Data:(book info) 2016 Writing Arctic Disaster (Google Books) (editovat)


Google Books en book info Kniha:Writing Arctic Disaster (2016) 2024-07-07
Data:(book info) 2017 Dead Reckoning (Google Books) (editovat)


Google Books en book info Kniha:Dead Reckoning (2017) 2024-06-02
Data:(book info) 2017 Dead Reckoning (HarperCollins Canada) (editovat)


Stránka knihy na webu vydavatelství en book info Kniha:Dead Reckoning (2017) 2024-06-02
Data:(book info) 2017 Ice Ghosts (Google Books) (editovat)


Google Books en book info Kniha:Ice Ghosts (2017) 2024-06-06
Data:(book info) 2017 Ice Ghosts (W. W. Norton & Company) (editovat)


Stránka knihy na webu vydavatelství en book info Kniha:Ice Ghosts (2017) 2024-06-06
Data:(book info) 2017 Relics of the Franklin Expedition (Google Books) (editovat)


Google Books en book info Kniha:Relics of the Franklin Expedition (2017) 2024-06-06
Data:(book info) 2017 Sir John Franklin’s Erebus and Terror Expedition (Google Books) (editovat)


Google Books en book info Kniha:Sir John Franklin’s Erebus and Terror Expedition (2017) 2024-06-08
Data:(book info) 2018 At the Edge (Google Books) (editovat)


Google Books en book info Kniha:At the Edge (2018) 2024-06-01
Data:(book info) 2018 Erebus (Databáze knih) (editovat)


Informace a čtenářské recenze na webu Databáze knih cs book info Kniha:Erebus (2018) 2024-05-26
Data:(book info) 2018 Erebus (Google Books) (editovat)


Google Books en book info Kniha:Erebus (2018) 2024-05-26
Data:(book info) 2018 Erebus (Naše nakladatelství) (editovat)


Naše nakladatelství (český vydavatel) cs book info Kniha:Erebus (2018) 2024-05-26
Data:(book info) 2019 Franklin's Fate (Google Books) (editovat)


Google Books en book info Kniha:Franklin's Fate (2019) 2024-05-12
Data:(book info) 2019 Franklin's Fate (The Conrad Press) (editovat)


Stránka knihy na webu vydavatelství en book info Kniha:Franklin's Fate (2019) 2024-05-12
Data:(book info) 2019 Hunters on the Track (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:Hunters on the Track (2019) 2024-05-26
Data:(book info) 2019 Hunters on the Track (Google Books) (editovat)


Google Books en book info Kniha:Hunters on the Track (2019) 2024-05-26
Data:(book info) 2019 John Rae, Arctic Explorer (Google Books) (editovat)


Google Books en book info Kniha:John Rae, Arctic Explorer (2019) 2024-05-30
Data:(book info) 2019 John Rae, Arctic Explorer (University of Alberta Press) (editovat)


Stránka knihy na webu vydavatelství en book info Kniha:John Rae, Arctic Explorer (2019) 2024-05-30
Data:(book info) 2020 After the Lost Franklin Expedition (Google Books) (editovat)


Google Books en book info Kniha:After the Lost Franklin Expedition (2020) 2024-05-25
Data:(book info) 2020 After the Lost Franklin Expedition (Pen and Sword) (editovat)


Stránka knihy na webu vydavatelství en book info Kniha:After the Lost Franklin Expedition (2020) 2024-05-25
Data:(book info) 2023 HMS Terror (U.S. Naval Institute) (editovat)


Stránka knihy na webu vydavatelství en book info Kniha:HMS Terror (2023) 2024-04-28
Data:(book info) 2023 Searching for Franklin (stránka knihy na webu autora) (editovat)


Stránka knihy na webu autora Ken Mc Googan en book info Kniha:Searching for Franklin (2023) 2024-04-19
Data:(book review) 2009 Lost! (Arctic Book Review) (editovat)


Recenze na Arctic Book Review 2013-02-02 [[Russell Potter]] The Arctic Book Review en book review Kniha:Lost! (2009) 2024-07-11
Data:(book review) 2010 The Man Who Ate His Boots (Arctic Book Review) (editovat)


Recenze na Arctic Book Review 2010-03-28 [[Russell Potter]] The Arctic Book Review en book review Kniha:The Man Who Ate His Boots (2010) 2024-07-07
Data:(book review) 2012 Loss and Cultural Remains in Performance (Arctic Book Review) (editovat)


Recenze na Arctic Book Review 2013-05-14 [[Russell Potter]] The Arctic Book Review en book review Kniha:Loss and Cultural Remains in Performance (2012) 2024-07-07
Data:(book review) 2013 The Ambitions of Jane Franklin (Arctic Book Review) (editovat)


Recenze na Arctic Book Review 2013-05-05 [[Russell Potter]] The Arctic Book Review en book review Kniha:The Ambitions of Jane Franklin (2013) 2024-07-07
Data:(book review) 2015 Franklin's Lost Ship (Arctic Book Review) (editovat)


Recenze na Arctic Book Review 2015-10-27 [[Russell Potter]] The Arctic Book Review en book review Kniha:Franklin's Lost Ship (2015) 2024-07-07
Data:(book review) 2016 Finding Franklin (Russell Potter Blogspot) (editovat)


Odkazy na recenze na blogu autora knihy en book review Kniha:Finding Franklin (2016) 2024-06-09
Data:(book review) 2016 Writing Arctic Disaster (Arctic Book Review) (editovat)


Recenze na Arctic Book Review 2016-04-21 [[Russell Potter]] The Arctic Book Review en book review Kniha:Writing Arctic Disaster (2016) 2024-07-07
Data:(book review) 2017 Dead Reckoning (Arctic Book Review) (editovat)


Recenze na Arctic Book Review 2017-10-29 [[Russell Potter]] The Arctic Book Review en book review Kniha:Dead Reckoning (2017) 2024-06-02
Data:(book review) 2017 Dead Reckoning (The Georgia Straight) (editovat)


Recenze na The Georgia Straight 2017-10-22 Charlie Smith The Georgia Straight en book review Kniha:Dead Reckoning (2017) 2024-06-02
Data:(book review) 2017 Relics of the Franklin Expedition (Arctic Book Review) (editovat)


Recenze na Arctic Book Review Jonathan Dore The Arctic Book Review en book review Kniha:Relics of the Franklin Expedition (2017) 2024-06-06
Data:(book review) 2017 Relics of the Franklin Expedition (Library Thing) (editovat)


Recenze na LibraryThing 2017-12-14 LibraryThing en book review Kniha:Relics of the Franklin Expedition (2017) 2024-06-06
Data:(book review) 2017 Relics of the Franklin Expedition (Polar Record) (editovat)


Recenze v Polar Record 2019-05-30 Eavan O’Dochartaigh Polar Record 55/1, Cambridge University en book review Kniha:Relics of the Franklin Expedition (2017) 2024-06-07
Data:(book review) 2017 Sir John Franklin's Erebus and Terror Expedition (Canada’s History Society) (editovat)


Recenze na webu Canada’s History Society 2019-03-12 Lyle Dick Canada’s History "Dvojitá recenze" knih [[Kniha:Sir John Franklin’s Erebus and Terror Expedition (2017)|Sir John Franklin’s Erebus and Terror Expedition (2017)]] a [[Kniha:Erebus (2018)|Erebus (2018)]] en book review Kniha:Erebus (2018) Kniha:Sir John Franklin’s Erebus and Terror Expedition (2017) 2024-06-08
Data:(book review) 2018 At The Edge (Arctic Book Review) (editovat)


Recenze na Arctic Book Review 2018-05-06 Regina Koellner The Arctic Book Review en book review Kniha:At the Edge (2018) 2024-06-01
Data:(book review) 2018 Erebus (Arctic Book Review) (editovat)


Recenze na Arctic Book Review 2018-09-18 John Wilson The Arctic Book Review en book review Kniha:Erebus (2018) 2024-05-26
Data:(book review) 2018 Erebus (fabtet.tumblr.com/web.archive.org) (editovat)


Errorbus – výčet chyb v knize, týkajících se Jamese Fitzjamese 2022-06-20 Fabiënne Tetteroo fabtet.tumblr.com (archivováno) Původní web neexistuje, uloženo na web.archive.org. en book review Kniha:Erebus (2018) 2024-05-26
Data:(book review) 2018 John Rae, Arctic Explorer (Arctic Book Review) (editovat)


Recenze na Arctic Book Review 2019-02-17 [[Russell Potter]] The Arctic Book Review en book review Kniha:John Rae, Arctic Explorer (2019) 2024-05-30
Data:(book review) 2019 Hunters on the Track (Arctic Book Review) (editovat)


Recenze na Artic Book Review 2019-08-06 Willam Barr The Artic Book Review en book review Kniha:Hunters on the Track (2019) 2024-05-26
Data:(book review) 2019-2020 Franklin's Fate - No Earthly Pole (Arctic Book Review) (editovat)


Recenze na Arctic Book Review 2021-06-03 Frank Michael Schuster The Arctic Book Review en book review Kniha:Franklin's Fate (2019) Kniha:No Earthly Pole (2020) 2024-05-08
Data:(book review) 2021 Icebound in the Arctic (Arctic Book Review) (editovat)


Recenze na Arctic Book Review 2021-04-26 [[Russell Potter]] The Arctic Book Review en book review Kniha:Icebound in the Arctic (2021) 2024-05-19
Data:(book review) 2022 May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth (The Victorian Web) (editovat)


Recenze na The Victorian Web Simon Cooke The Victorian Web en book review Kniha:May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth (2022) 2024-05-19
Data:(book review) 2023 HMS Terror (Arctic Book Review) (editovat)


Recenze na webu The Arctic Book Review 2022-06-27 [[David C. Woodman]] The Arctic Book Review en book review Kniha:HMS Terror (2023) 2024-04-28
Data:(book review) 2023 Searching for Franklin (Arctic Book Review) (editovat)


Recenze na webu The Arctic Book Review 2023-10-18 [[Russell Potter]] The Arctic Book Review en book review Kniha:Searching for Franklin (2023) 2024-04-19
Data:(book review) 2023 The Search for Franklin (Arctic Book review) (editovat)


Recenze na Arctic Book Review 2023-10-12 Data:Frank Michael Schuster The Arctic Book Review en book review Kniha:The Search for Franklin (2023) 2024-04-21
Data:(book review) 2023 Tracking the Franklin Expedition (The Arctic Book Review) (editovat)


Recenze na Arctic Book Review 2023-10-20 [[Russel Potter]] The Arctic Book Review en book review Kniha:Tracking the Franklin Expedition of 1845 (2023) 2024-04-18
Data:(book sale) 2010 The Man Who Ate His Boots (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:The Man Who Ate His Boots (2010) 2024-07-07
Data:(book sale) 2011 Searching for Franklin and the North-West Passage (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:Searching for Franklin and the North-West Passage (2011) 2024-07-07
Data:(book sale) 2012 Loss and Cultural Remains in Performance (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:Loss and Cultural Remains in Performance (2012) 2024-07-07
Data:(book sale) 2013 Seek the Frozen Lands (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:Seek the Frozen Lands (2013) 2024-05-18
Data:(book sale) 2013 The Ambitions of Jane Franklin (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:The Ambitions of Jane Franklin (2013) 2024-07-07
Data:(book sale) 2015 Franklin's Lost Ship (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:Franklin's Lost Ship (2015) 2024-07-07
Data:(book sale) 2016 Finding Franklin (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:Finding Franklin (2016) 2024-06-09
Data:(book sale) 2016 Writing Arctic Disaster (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:Writing Arctic Disaster (2016) 2024-07-07
Data:(book sale) 2017 Dead Reckoning (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:Dead Reckoning (2017) 2024-06-02
Data:(book sale) 2017 Ice Ghosts (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:Ice Ghosts (2017) 2024-06-06
Data:(book sale) 2017 Relics of the Franklin Expedition (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:Relics of the Franklin Expedition (2017) 2024-06-06
Data:(book sale) 2017 Sir John Franklin's Erebus and Terror Expedition (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:Sir John Franklin’s Erebus and Terror Expedition (2017) 2024-06-08
Data:(book sale) 2018 At the Edge (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:At the Edge (2018) 2024-06-01
Data:(book sale) 2018 Erebus (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:Erebus (2018) 2024-05-26
Data:(book sale) 2019 Franklin's Fate (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:Franklin's Fate (2019) 2024-05-12
Data:(book sale) 2019 Franklin's Fate (Everand) (editovat)


E-kniha, na 30 dní ke čtení zdarma 2021-06-03 en book sale Kniha:Franklin's Fate (2019) 2024-05-12
Data:(book sale) 2019 John Rae, Arctic Explorer (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:John Rae, Arctic Explorer (2019) 2024-05-30
Data:(book sale) 2020 After the Lost Franklin Expedition (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:After the Lost Franklin Expedition (2020) 2024-05-25
Data:(book sale) 2020 No Earthly Pole (enbook.cz) (editovat)


Koupit na enbook.cz en book sale Kniha:No Earthly Pole (2020) 2024-05-12
Data:(book sale) 2021 Icebound In The Arctic (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:Icebound in the Arctic (2021) 2024-05-19
Data:(book sale) 2022 May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth (2022) 2024-05-18
Data:(book sale) 2023 HMS Terror (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:HMS Terror (2023) 2024-04-28
Data:(book sale) 2023 Searching for Franklin (Douglas & McIntyre) (editovat)


Koupit na webu vydavatelství en book sale Kniha:Searching for Franklin (2023) 2024-04-21
Data:(book sale) 2023 Tracking the Franklin Expedition of 1845 (Amazon) (editovat)


Koupit na Amazonu en book sale Kniha:Tracking the Franklin Expedition of 1845 (2023) 2024-04-14
Data:1845 Franklin expedition member identified using DNA (canadiangeographic.ca) (editovat)


1845 Franklin expedition member identified using DNA 2021-05-03 [[Russell Potter]] Canadian Geographic en journal article John Gregory 2022-02-20
Data:70 North Beset (editovat)


70 North Beset S. L. Shreve Autor je spisovatel na volné noze, badatel a archivář a tento blog je prostor, kde spekuluje, teoretizuje a píše o osudu Franklina a jeho posádek, kde spekuluje, teoretizuje a píše o osudu Franklina a jeho posádek. Author is a freelance writer, researcher, and archivist and this blog is his outlet for speculating, theorizing, and writing about the fate of Franklin and his crews for speculating, theorizing, and writing about the fate of Franklin and his crews. en blog 2022-10-15
Data:946. schůzka: Julius Payer (editovat)


946. schůzka: Julius Payer 2013-08-11 Josef Veselý Český rozhlas Praha Z cyklu "Toulky českou minulostí". From the series "Tours of the Czech Past". cs news article Julius Payer 2022-03-26
Data:A Divergent Opinion (Beaver) (editovat)


A Divergent Opinion 1969-03-01 L. A. Learnmonth The Beaver, Spring 1969 Autor polemizuje s hypotézou (dnes víme, že nesprávnou) z článku "A Further Clue in the Franklin Mystery" (ve stejném čísle Beaveru), že měděné pláty nalezené kanadskou vojenskou expedicí v roce 1967 na ostrově O'Reilly pocházejí z vraku HMS Investigator, nikoli případně z některé lodi Franklinovy expedice. The author disputes the hypothesis (now known to be incorrect) in the article "A Further Clue in the Franklin Mystery" (in the same issue of the Beaver) that the copper plates found by a Canadian military expedition in 1967 on O'Reilly Island came from the wreck of the HMS Investigator, not possibly from any of the ships of the Franklin expedition. en journal article Pátrání po Franklinově expedici 2022-11-19
Data:A Family Skeleton? Solving the Mystery of a Naval Surgeon on the Franklin Expedition (editovat)


A Family Skeleton? Solving the Mystery of a Naval Surgeon on the Franklin Expedition 2021-01-01 Iain Macintyre Topics in the History of Medicine. 2021; Volume 1: 25-38. Životopisný článek o Harry Goodsirovi. Biographical article on Harry Goodsir. en journal article Henry (Harry) Duncan Spens Goodsir, Informační zdroje, eng:Main Page 2022-04-17
Data:A fine statue of Noble's to Sir John Franklin was (archive.spectator.co.uk) (editovat)


A fine statue of Noble's to Sir John Franklin was… 1866-11-17 The Spectator Dobový článek o odhalení pomníku (placený přístup). Article about the unveiling of the monument (paid access). en news article Pomník Johna Franklina na Waterloo Place (Londýn) 2022-07-09
Data:A Further Clue in the Franklin Mystery (Beaver) (editovat)


A Further Clue in the Franklin Mystery 1969-03-01 W. G. McKenzie The Beaver, Spring 1969 Popis pátrání kanadské armády v roce 1967 po pozůstatcích Franklinovy expedice na ostrově O'Reilly a v moři kolem něj. Autor předkládá hypotézu (dnes víme, že nesprávnou), že nalezené měděné pláty pochází z lodi HMS Investigator, nikoli z některé z lodí Franklinovy expedice (dnes víme, že se západně od ostrova nachází vrak HMS Erebus). A description of the Canadian Army's 1967 search for the remains of the Franklin Expedition on O'Reilly Island and in the sea around it. The author puts forward the hypothesis (now known to be incorrect) that the copper plates found came from HMS Investigator, not from any of the ships of the Franklin expedition (we now know that the wreck of HMS Erebus is west of the island). en journal article Pátrání po Franklinově expedici 2022-11-19
Data:A list of Franklin sources, or, what kind of a fandom inspires people to create a bibliography, for God’s sake? (editovat)


A list of Franklin sources, or, what kind of a fandom inspires people to create a bibliography, for God’s sake? Karin L. Kross Hanging Fire Seznam zdrojů k Franklinově výpravě a seriálu The Terror. Primární zdroje, blogy a fanouškovská díla, rozhovory, články a knihy. A list of resources on the Franklin expedition and The Terror series. Primary sources, blogs and fanworks, interviews, articles and books. en list of sources 2022-10-16
Data:A Lonely Cenotaph to Lost Searchers (The Searchers) (editovat)


A Lonely Cenotaph to Lost Searchers 2023-09-01 The Searchers Popis osudů kenotafu na Beecheeyho ostrově, věnovaného památce mužů, kteří zemřeli při pátrání po Franklinově expedici. An account of the fate of the cenotaph on Beecheey Island, dedicated to the memory of the men who died in the search for the Franklin expedition. en blog article Beecheyho ostrov 2023-09-02
Data:A Most Inhospitable Coast: The Report of Lieutenant William Hobson's 1859 Search for the Franklin Expedition on King William Island (editovat)


A Most Inhospitable Coast: The Report of Lieutenant William Hobson's 1859 Search for the Franklin Expedition on King William Island 2014-12-01 Douglas R. Stenton Arctic, Vol. 67, No. 4 (DECEMBER 2014), pp. 511-522 (12 pages) Článek přináší přepis nikdy nepublikované zprávy poručíka [[William Hobson|Williama Hobsona]], popisující jeho saňovou cestu (v rámci [[McClintockova výprava (1857-59)|McClintockovy expedice]]) podél západního pobřeží [[Ostrov krále Viléma|Ostrova krále Viléma]] , během které objevil pozůstatky a [[Zprávy na Ostrově krále Viléma|zprávy]] Franklinovy expedice. This article provides a transcript of a never published report by Lieutenant William Hobson, describing his sledge journey (as part of the McClintock Expedition) along the west coast of King William's Island , during which he discovered the remains and reports of the Franklin's expedition. en journal article document McClintockova výprava (1857-59), Zprávy na Ostrově krále Viléma, Pátrání po Franklinově expedici, Člun v Erebus Bay 2023-04-16
Data:A Naval Biographical Dictionary (editovat)


A Naval Biographical Dictionary (1849) William Richard O'Byrne Seznam žijících (v roce 1849) důstojníků Královského námořnictva od hodnosti poručíka výš. List of living (as of 1849) officers of the Royal Navy from lieutenant to higher. en encyclopedia book Účastníci Franklinovy expedice 2022-02-20
Data:A timeline of francis crozier’s and james fitzjames’ naval careers (editovat)


a timeline of francis crozier’s and james fitzjames’ naval careers 2019-10-03 is god here, captain? Časová osa kariér Francise Croziera a Jamese Fitzjamese v Královském námořnictvu. en blog article Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier, James Fitzjames, Kalendárium 2022-10-16
Data:Aglooka - Long Strider (editovat)


Aglooka - Long Strider [[David C. Woodman]] Web Davida C. Woodmana, kanadského historika, který se zabývá analýzou výpovědí Inuitů o osudech arktických objevitelských výprav. Je mj. autorem dvou knih o Franklinově expedici. A website by David C. Woodman, a Canadian historian, who analyses Inuit accounts of the fate of the Arctic exploration expeditions. He is the author of two books on the Franklin expedition. en blog Informační zdroje 2023-05-28
