From Franklinova expedice
Na stránce Přehled českojazyčné franklinovské literatury naleznete seznam faktografických i beletristických publikací v českém jazyce, které se týkají nebo alespoň zmiňují Franklinovu expedici.
Níže uvádíme seznam anglickojazyčné faktografické literatury, která se výhradně či částečně zabývá tématem poslední Franklinovy expedice, a to včetně obecnějších publikací o hledání Severozápadního průjezdu.
Oba seznamy jsou průběžně doplňovány.
Knihy věnované výhradně či převážně Franklinově expedici
- Parliamentary Papers 1848, Artic Expedition (1848) Zdarma online
- Parliamentary Papers 1849, Artic Expedition (1849) Zdarma online
- Robert Anstruther Goodsir: An Arctic Voyage to Baffin's Bay and Lancaster Sound (1850) Zdarma online
- Charles Richard Weld: Arctic Expeditions: A Lecture Delivered at the London Institution, February 6, 1850 (1850) Zdarma online
- John Richardson: Arctic searching expedition: a journal of a boat-voyage through Rupert's Land and the Arctic Sea... (1851) Zdarma online
- Parliamentary Papers 1851, Correspondence and Papers in relation to the Arctic Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin... (1851) Zdarma online
- W. Parker Snow: Voyage of the Prince Albert in Search of Sir John Franklin: A Narrative of Every-day Life in the Arctic Seas (1851) Zdarma online
- James Mangles: Papers and despatches relating to the Arctic searching expeditions of 1850-51-52 (1852) Zdarma online
- Great Britain. Admiralty, Edwin J. De Haven: Arctic Expedition: Further Correspondence and Proceedings Connected with the Arctic Expedition... (1852) Zdarma online
- Great Britain. Admiralty: Vessels in the North Atlantic (1852) Zdarma online
- Sherard Osborn: Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal (1852) Zdarma online
- August Petermann: Historical summary of the search for Sir John Franklin (1853) Zdarma online
- Clements Robert Markham: Franklin's Footsteps: A Sketch of Greenland Along the Shores of which His Expedition Passed, and of the Parry Isles, where the Last Traces of it Were Found (1853) Zdarma online
- William Kennedy: A Short Narrative of the Second Voyage of the Prince Albert, in Search of Sir John Franklin (1853) Zdarma online
- William Hulme Hooper: Ten months among the tents of the Tuski, with incidents of an Arctic boat expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, as far as the Mackenzie river, and Cape Bathurst (1853) Zdarma online
- Edward Augustus Inglefield, George Dickie, Peter Cormack Sutherland: A Summer Search for Sir John Franklin: With a Peep Into the Polar Basin (1853) Zdarma online
- Peter Lund Simmonds: Sir John Franklin and the Arctic Regions: A Narrative, Showing the Progress of British Enterprise for the Discovery of the North-west Passage During the Nineteenth Century: with Notices of All the Expeditions Sent in Search of the Missing Vessels Under Captain Sir John Franklin (1853) Zdarma online
- Parliamentary Papers 1854, Papers relative to the Recent Artic Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin... (1854) Zdarma online
- Joseph René Bellot, Jean Baptiste Julien Lemer: Memoirs of Lieutenant Joseph René Bellot: With his Journal of a Voyage in the Polar Seas, in Search of Sir John Franklin (1855) Zdarma online
- John Ross: Rear Admiral Sir John Franklin: A Narrative of the Circumstances and Causes which Led to the Failure of the Searching Expeditions Sent by Government and Others for the Rescue of Sir John Franklin (1855) Zdarma online
- Edward Belcher: The last of the Arctic voyages (1855) Zdarma online
- Richard King: The Franklin expedition, from first to last (1855) Zdarma online
- Elisha Kane: The U.S. Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin: A personal narrative (1856) Zdarma online
- James Parsons: Reflections on the mysterious fate of Sir John Franklin (1857) Zdarma online
- John Brown: The North-West Passage: And the Plans for the Search for Sir John Franklin (1858) Zdarma online
- W. Parker Snow: A Paper on the lost Polar Expedition and possible recovery of its scientific documents (1860) Zdarma online
- Francis Leopold McClintock: The voyage of the "Fox" in Arctic seas: a narrative of the discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions (1860) Zdarma online
- Sherard Osborn: The carreer, last voyage and fate, of Captain Sir John Franklin (1860) Zdarma online
- James Alexandre Browne: The North-West Passage and the fate of Sir John Franklin (1860) Zdarma online
- William Henry Gilder: Schwatka's Search: Sledging in the Arctic in Quest of the Franklin Records (1881) Zdarma online
- Benjamin Bell: Lieut. John Irving, R.N. of H.M.S. "Terror" in Sir John Franklin's last expedition to the Arctic regions: a memorial sketch with letters (1881) Zdarma online
- Frederick Schwatka: The Search For Franklin, A narrative of the American expedition under lieutenant Schwatka, 1878-1880 (1882) Zdarma online
- Joseph Henry Skewes: Sir John Franklin, The True Secret of the Discovery of His Fate Zdarma online (1889)
- Richard J. Cyriax: Sir John Franklin's Last Arctic Expedition (1939)
- Ann Sutton, Myron Sutton: Journey into Ice: John Franklin and the Northwest Passage (1965)
- May Fluhmann: Second in Command (1976) Zdarma online
- Patricia D. Sutherland (editor): Franklin Era in Canadian Arctic History, 1845-1859 (1985)
- Heinrich Klutschak, William Barr: Overland to Starvation Cove: With the Inuit in Search of Franklin, 1878-1880 (1987)
- Owen Beattie, John Geiger: Frozen In Time: The Fate of The Franklin Expedition (1987-2004)
- Owen Beattie, Shelley Tanaka, John Geiger: Buried in Ice: The Mystery of a Lost Arctic Expedition (1992)
- Emile Frederic de Bray, William Barr: A Frenchman in Search of Franklin: de Bray's Arctic Journal, 1852-54 (1992, 2015)
- David C. Woodman: Unravelling the Franklin Mystery: Inuit Testimony (1992)
- David C. Woodman: Strangers Among Us (1995)
- Jeffrey Blair Latta: The Franklin Conspiracy: An Astonishing Solution to the Lost Arctic Expedition: Cover-up, Betrayal and the Astonishing Secret Behind the Lost Arctic Expedition. Dundurn Press, 2001.
- Ken McGoogan: Fatal Passage: The Story of John Rae, the Arctic Hero Time Forgot. HarperCollins Publishers, 2001.
- Scott Cookman: Ice Blink: The Tragic Fate of Sir John Franklin's Lost Polar Expedition. John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
- David Murphy: The Arctic Fox: Francis Leopold-McClintock, Discoverer of the Fate of Franklin. Dundurn Press, 2004.
- Ken McGoogan: Lady Franklin’s Revenge: A True Story of Ambition, Obsession, and the Remaking of Arctic History. Toronto: HarperCollins Publishers, 2005.
- Michael Smith: Captain Francis Crozier: Last Man Standing?. The Collins Press, 2006.
- Dorothy Harley Eber: Encounters on the Passage: Inuit Meet the Explorers. University of Toronto Press, 2008.
- Richard Galaburri: Lost!: The Franklin Expedition and the Fate of the Crews of H.M.S. Erebus and Terror. The Black Raven, 2009.
- Jane Franklinová, Erika Behrisch Elce: As affecting the fate of my absent husband: Selected Letters of Lady Franklin Concerning the Search for the Lost Franklin Expedition, 1848-1860. McGill-Queen's University Press, 2009.
- Andrew Lambert: Franklin: Tragic hero of the polar navigation. London: Faber & Faber, 2009.
- Anthony Brandt: The Man Who Ate His Boots: The Tragic History of the Search for the Northwest Passage. Alfred A. Knopf, 2010.
- William Battersby: James Fitzjames: The Mystery Man of the Franklin Expedition. Dundurn Press, 2010.
- Gillian Hutchinson: Searching for Franklin and the North-West Passage. National Maritime Museum, 2011.
- Heather Davis-Fisch: Loss and Cultural Remains in Performance: The Ghosts of the Franklin Expedition. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
- Alison Alexander: The Ambitions of Jane Franklin: Victorian Lady Adventurer. Allen & Unwin, 2013.
- John Geiger, Alanna Mitchell: Franklin's Lost Ship: The Historic Discovery of HMS Erebus. HarperCollins Publishers, 2015.
- Russell Potter: Finding Franklin: The Untold Story of a 165-Year Search. McGill-Queen's Press, 2016.
- Adriana Craciun: Writing Arctic Disaster: Authorship and Exploration. Cambridge University Press, 2016.
- Gillian Hutchinson: Sir John Franklin’s Erebus and Terror Expedition: Lost and Found. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017.
- Garth Walpole, Russell Potter: Relics of the Franklin Expedition: Discovering Artifacts from the Doomed Arctic Voyage of 1845. McFarland, 2017.
- Paul Watson: Ice Ghosts: The Epic Hunt for the Lost Franklin Expedition. W. W. Norton & Company, 2017.
- Michael Palin: Erebus: The Story of a Ship. Random House, 2018.
- William Gillies Ross: Hunters on the Track: William Penny and the Search for Franklin. McGill-Queen's University Press, 2019.
- John Robool: Franklin's Fate: An Investigation Into What Happened to the Lost 1845 Expedition of Sir John Franklin. The Conrad Press, 2019.
- Peter Baxter: After the Lost Franklin Expedition: Lady Franklin and John Rae. Pen and Sword, 2020.
- Ernest. C. Coleman: No Earthly Pole: The Search for the Truth about the Franklin Expedition 1845. Amberley Publishing, 2020.
- Michael Smith: Icebound in the Arctic: The Mystery of Captain Francis Crozier and the Franklin Expedition. The O’Brien Press, 2021.
- Russell Potter, Regina Koellner, Peter Carney, Mary Williamson, Michael Palin: May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth: Letters of the Lost Franklin Arctic Expedition. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022.
- Stephen Zoom: Tracking the Franklin Expedition of 1845: The Facts and Mysteries of the Failed Northwest Passage Voyage. McFarland, 2023.
- Kevin Cronin: The Search for Franklin: An Irish Connection. Kevin Cronin, 2023.
- Ken McGoogan: Searching for Franklin: New Answers to the Great Arctic Mystery. Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre, 2023.
- Matthew Betts: HMS Terror: The Design, Fitting, and Voyages of the Polar Discovery Ship. Naval Institute Press, 2023.
- : The Land Was Always Used: An Inuit Oral History of the Franklin Expedition. Gjoa Haven: Nattilik Heritage Centre, 2024.
Ostatní knihy
- John Barrow: A Chronological History of Voyages Into the Arctic Regions (1818) Zdarma online
- William Edward Parry: Journal of a Voyage for the Discovery of a North-west Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific (1821) Zdarma online
- John Franklin: Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the Years 1819-20-21-22 (1823) Zdarma online
- John Franklin, John Richardson: Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the Years 1825, 1826, and 1827 (1828) Zdarma online
- John Frederick Dennett: The voyages and travels of Captains Ross, Parry, Franklin and Mr. Belzoni, forming an interesting history of the manners, customs and characters of various nations (1835) Zdarma online
- John Ross, James Clark Ross: Narrative of a second voyage in search of a north-west passage, and of a residence in the Arctic regions during the years 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833 (1835) Zdarma online
- Frederick William Beechey: A Voyage of Discovery Towards the North Pole – Performed in His Majesty's Ships Dorothea and Trent, under the Command of Captain David Buchan, R.N. 1818 (1843) Zdarma online
- John Franklin: Narrative of Some Passages in the History of Van Diemen's Land: During the Last Three Years of Sir John Franklin's Administration of its Government (1845) Zdarma online
- John Barrow: Voyages of discovery and research within the Arctic regions, from the year 1818 to the present time (1846) Zdarma online
- John Barrow: An auto-biographical memoir of Sir John Barrow (1847) Zdarma online
- John Rae: Narrative of an expedition to the shores of the Arctic Sea, in 1846 and 1847 (1850) Zdarma online
- John Joseph Shillinglaw: A narrative of Arctic discovery (1850, 1851) Zdarma online
- ed. Francis Watt: Pictorial Chronicles of the Mighty Deep (1880?) Část o F. expedici zdarma online
- Richard Collinson, ed. T. B. Collinson: Journal of H.M.S. Enterprise, on the expedition in search of Sir John Franklin's ships by Behring Strait, 1850-55 (1889) Zdarma online
- David Murray Smith: Arctic expeditions from British and foreign shores from the earliest to the present time (1880) Zdarma online
- Sarah Knowles Bolton: Famous voyagers and explorers (1893) Zdarma online
- Henry Duff Traill: The life of Sir John Franklin, R.N. (1896) Zdarma online
- Clements Robert Markham: The lands of silence, a history of Arctic and Antarctic exploration (1921) Zdarma online
- ed. W. F. Rawnsley: The Life, Diaries, and Correspondence of Jane Lady Franklin 1792 – 1875 (1923)
- Rupert T. Gould: Oddities: A Book of Unexplained Facts (1928)
- Chauncey C. Loomis: Weird and Tragic Shores: The Story of Charles Francis Hall, Explorer (1971) Dostupné v češtině
- Pierre Berton: The Arctic Grail: The Quest for the Northwest Passage and The North Pole, 1818-1909 (2000)
- Martyn Beardsley: Deadly Winter: The Life of Sir John Franklin. Naval Intitute Press, 2002.
- Russell Potter: Arctic Spectacles: The Frozen North in Visual Culture, 1818-1875. University of Washington Press, 2007.
- William Barr: Arctic Hell-Ship: The Voyage of HMS Enterprise, 1850–1855. University of Alberta Press, 2007.
- Glyn Williams, Sophia Costley: Arctic Labyrinth: The Quest for the Northwest Passage. University of California Press, 2010.
- Shelagh D. Grant: Polar Imperative: A History of Arctic Sovereignty in North America. Douglas & McIntyre, 2011.
- John Rae, Ken McGoogan: The Arctic Journals of John Rae. TouchWood Editions, 2012.
- David Williams: Cairns: Messengers in Stone. Mountaineers Books, 2012.
- Frank Nugent: Seek the Frozen Lands: Irish Polar Explorers 1740-1922. The Collins Press, 2013.
- Andrew Cohen: Lost Beneath the Ice: The Story of HMS Investigator. Dundurn Press, 2013.
- John Rae, Ken McGoogan: John Rae’s Arctic Correspondence: 1844-1855. TouchWood Editions, 2014.
- Glenn M. Stein: Discovering the North-West Passage: The Four-Year Arctic Odyssey of H.M.S. Investigator and the McClure Expedition. McFarland, 2015.
- Philip Hatfield: Lines in the Ice: Exploring the Roof of the World. McGill-Queen's University Press, 2016.
- Stephanie Barczewski: Heroic Failure and the British. Yale University Press, 2016.
- David F. Pelly: Ukkusiksalik: The People's Story. Dundurn Press, 2016.
- Emil Bessels, William Barr: Polaris: The Chief Scientist's Recollections of the American North Pole Expedition, 1871-73. University of Calgary Press, 2016.zdarma ke stažení
- Ken McGoogan: Dead Reckoning: The Untold Story of the Northwest Passage. HarperCollins Canada, 2017.
- Stephen J. Trafton: At the Edge: A Life in Search of Challenge. Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2018.
- John Rae, William Barr: John Rae, Arctic Explorer: The Unfinished Autobiography. Edmonton: University of Alberta, 2019.
- Anne Strathie: A History of Polar Exploration in 50 Objects: From Cook’s Circumnavigations to the Aviation Age. The History Press, 2024.
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